Air India Recruitment 2015

Air India Air Transport Services Limited Recruitment 2015: Air India Air Transport Limited has published an employment notification for 40 post of SECURITY AGENT, for the ground duties at Engineering MRO, NAGPUR on a Fixed Term Contract basic for a period of three years which may be renewed subject to their performance and the requirement of the Company – AIATSL, to fill-in the existing vacancies as shown below and to maintain a wait list for vacancies arising in future. Educational Qualification Graduate in any discipline from a recognized University with ability to speak English and Hindi/Local Language. Age limit for the candidates is 18 years to 33 years. Salary is 13,800 and Selection procedure is Personal Interview and Physical Endurance Test/Report Writing/personal Interview. Further Details for Air India Recruitment 2015 for 40 SECURITY AGENT post regarding age limit, salary, name of the post, number of vacancy, selection process, how to apply and other information are mentioned bellow……

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Air India Air Transport Services Limited Recruitment 2015

Organization Name: Air India Air Transport Service Limited
Name of the Post: Security Agent
Number of Vacancy: 40
Educational Qualification: Any Graduation (Minimum 3 Years)
Age Limit: 18 years to 33 years
Pay Band: 13,800/-
Eligible Criteria For AIATSL Recruitment 2015

Educational Qualification:
Graduate in any discipline (minimum 3 years duration) from a recognized University with ability to speak English and Hindi/Local Language. In case of Ex-Servicemen who have a service record of minimum 15 years in the Armed Forces & who had been discharged from the services during the preceding two years.

Age Limit:
General : Not above 28 years
OBC     : Not above 31 years
SC/ST   : Not above 33 years

Relaxation in age Limit:
The experienced and trained candidates in airline security with AVSEC Qualifications and X-BIS Certification (current or otherwise) will be given relaxation in age to the extent of actual number of years of work experience in the field (The upper age-limit after relaxation will be 40 Years). (Relaxation in age for Ex-servicemen : As per Government guidelines)

Pay Band: Rs. 13,800/- per month (all inclusive). On acquiring AVSEC qualification & X-BIS certification, additional allowances will be paid as applicable.

Application Fee: Non-refundable Application Fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) by means of a Demand Draft in favour of “Air India Air Transport Services Ltd.” payable at Mumbai, No fees to be paid by Ex-servicemen/candidates belonging to SC/ST communities. Please write your Full Name and date of Birth on the reverse of the Demand Draft.

Date and Time and Venue:

For candidates with Airline Security Experience/AVSEC/X-BIS-
Date: 28.02.2015
Time: 9.00 am to 12.00 Noon
Venue: Vimaltai Tidke Convent & Jr. College, (V.T.C.), Atrey Layout, Near Khamla Square, Nagpur- 440 022

For candidates without Experience-
Date: 01 March 2015
Time: 09.00 am to 12.00 Noon
Venue: Vimaltai Tidke Convent & Jr. College, (V.T.C.), Atrey Layout, Near Khamla Square, Nagpur- 440 022

Experience: Experience is not a per-requisite, however, those having airline security with AVSEC Qualifications and X-BIS Certification may walk-in on the date as specified above.

Preferable Certificate:
1. NCC „C‟ Certificate
2. One year experience in the related area
3. Diploma / Certificate Course in Computer Applications

Height:  For male and 160cms. for female candidates.(Relaxation in height to the extent of 2.5 cms . will be considered in respect of SC/ST Candidates, Gorkhas, and those hailing from North-East states and hilly areas on production of domicile of these areas as applicable)

Selection Process:
1. The Applicants without experience who ful-fill the eligibility criteria of the post, will have to undergo a Physical Endurance Test (PET) comprising running of 100 meters in 16 seconds OR 1000 meters in 4.5 minutes as opted by the candidates, on the same day /following day(s). A relaxation of 06 seconds will be given to female candidates for running of 100 meters in Physical Endurance Test.

2. Those who qualify in the PET will have to appear for Report Writing Test(RWT) on the same day / following day(s). Those who qualify in the RWT will have to appear for Personal Interview (PI) on the following day(s). The outstation candidates are advised to make their own arrangement of boarding and lodging at their own cost, if required.

How to Apply For Air India Air Transport Services Limited Recruitment 2015:

Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement, as on 1ST February 2015, are required to walk in along with the filled-in application as per application format downloaded from our website

1. The Applicants are required to WALK-in person, to the venue, on the dates and time as specified above along with the Application Form duly filled-in & copies of the testimonials/certificates. A recent (not more than 3 months old) colored passport size photograph of the full face (front view) should be pasted neatly in the space provided in the application form.

2. Self-attested copies of the supporting documents in respect of Item Nos. 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15 & 16, of the Application Form must be submitted along with the application. Original Certificates should not be submitted along with the application, but should be brought for verification. The Company is not responsible for returning any original of Certificates /Testimonials if submitted along with the application.

3. Candidates belonging to OBC category must submit a duly attested photocopy of the Caste Certificate in the format as prescribed by Government of India, issued by the Competent Authority. The certificate, inter-Alia, must specifically state that the candidate does not belong to socially advanced sections excluded from the benefits of reservation for OBC in civil posts and services under the Government of India. The Certificate should also contain the „Creamy Layer‟ Exclusion clause. The OBC Certificate produced by the candidates should be as per the Central List of OBCs published by the Govt. of India and not by the State Govt.

More Details: Candidates are strongly advised to read official recruitment notification for detailed information regarding age limit, educational qualification, last date for application, pay scale, how to apply, Merit List and how to apply about Air India Air Transport Services Limited Recruitment 2015. 

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